Subject Guides Business, Entrepreneurship and Professional Development

Searching Techniques

General Searching Techniques

When using scholarly databases, you should apply the following general search techniques for locating relevant and high-quality academic literature.

Use Keywords Effectively

Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)

Use Phrase Searching

Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase (e.g., “deep learning algorithms”).

Subject-Specific Databases

Use databases specific to your field of study for more targeted results (e.g., PubMed for biomedical sciences, IEEE Xplore for engineering, and ACM Digital Library for computer science).

Use Citations for Further Research

Once you find a relevant article, explore its references to discover more related studies. Tools like Google Scholar provide a “Cited By” feature that lists all papers citing the article you’re viewing.

Online Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries



Database/E-Resources for Research

SSRN offers open-access papers in business, management, finance, entrepreneurship, and related fields. It includes preprints and working papers  from global scholars. is a platform where researchers share their papers. You can find numerous free papers and reports in business, management, and entrepreneurship.

EconBiz is a research portal that offers free access to a wide range of business and economics resources, including papers, articles, and data sets.

Alongwith other information resources, Proquest provide free access to thesis and dissertation

An open-access resource that provides study materials, articles, and definitions related to management topics such as leadership, business ethics, and organizational behavior.

Formating and Style Guide