Library Collection

General Collection:

General collectionconsists of selective books related to the PAF-IAST academic programs. The books on IT & computer science, electrical and computer engineering, biomedical sciences and technologies, chemical and energy engineering, material sciences and engineering, information and digital media design, natural sciences and mathematics, and religion are housed on the ground floor of the library.

Reference Collection:

This collection comprises dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, directories, yearbooks, atlases, etc.

Periodicals Collection:

The PAF-IAST librarycollection has been subscribing to a number of national and international journals and magazines in print format. The current issues of the periodicals are displayed on the ground floor in the main hall. Back volumes of these periodicals are shelved separately in the periodicals section.

Electronic Database:

The library has access to the HEC digital library having a number of electronic resources including e-Databases, e-journals, and e-books.