Librarian Message


Dr. Sajjad Ullah Jan​​

Message from the Librarian

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the Pak-Austria Fachochhschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (PAF-IAST) Central Library. The PAF-IAST Central Library is a modern, completely automated, and fully equipped Information Resource Center which supports the academic and research activities at PAF-IAST.

Information is coming out in the form of more than 4 million different printed publications per year. This publication rate will increase with further scientific and technological developments. In such scenario of information flood none of the university library can offer you the immediate availability of all publications on site. However, we with our best team of professionals are highly committed and focused towards identifying, locating, acquiring, preserving, and delivering the information/publications relevant to your field of study and work. We are not only giving you the opportunity to borrow books, but also providing other information services that will definitely help you find this library as a learning, information, and communication centre. We aim to grow and develop further our resources, services, and expertise to serve you in a sophisticated way by meeting all your information needs and demands. I am looking forward to your visit, queries, feedback, and suggestions.