This aims to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, BIOTECHNOLOGY and TISSUE ENGINEERING, a focus will be given to major research advances including:
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      Advertisement Date: 31-July-2021 Due Date: 17-August-2021 For Details: Click Here
        Advertisement Date: 28-July-2021 Due Date: 16-August-2021 For Details: Click Here
Patron In-Chief
Dr. Mohammad Mujahid
Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
Prof. Dr. Arshad Hussain
Director Establishment / Dean FCM3
Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
Chief Organizer
Prof. Dr. Fazal Wahab
HOD, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
Note: Registration Information: Online Registration Due Date: September 15, 2023 (Recommended) On Desk registration can also be done (will be charged extra 30%). Registration Fee
Online: For Faculty: Rs. 2000; For students: Rs. 500
Physical: For Faculty: Rs. 5000;
For Students: Rs.2500 For non-academia (both online/physical): Rs. 8000
For International participants online: USD. 50$
For International participants physical: USD. 1500$