Dr Taimur Ahmed completed his doctoral studies at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia in 2018. His research interests lie in functional materials and bio-inspired nanodevices. He has pioneered a new class of electronic memories and developed a novel ultra-thin artificial optoelectronic synapse for next-generation brain-inspired nanoelectronics. The new class of electronic memory efficiently stores multiple levels of data – enabling high density data storage in a single memory cell – in the same way as grey matter stores information in a human brain. His engineered electronic memories and synaptic devices mimic cognitive functionalities of a biological nervous system with ability to store new information and learn from previous experience.
Dr Taimur Ahmed has published more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in prestigious scientific journals and filed several patents. His research has also attracted national and international industrial and public media attention including scientific journal cover art.
Electronic memories, materials engineering, embedded systems & IOTs, micro- and nano-technology