Arts and Drama Society

Creativity allows expression, where art provides a sense of permanence to existence, revealing the truths for which we strive.

Here this society provides a platform where Art is fueled by imagination, which allows us to grow and stretch beyond our boundaries.

Objectives of the Society

Different workshops will be held to develop primary observations.

Flagship events of arts and crafts ,drama and theater and arts exhibitions will be held.

Annual Drama competition and Arts exhibition.

Functions of the Society

It inculcates in students the ability to express themselves.

It exposes life’s actions and experiences through performance on stage.

It will promote expressions and creativity.



  • Department of Design Media and Technologies

Mr. Naveed khan

Lecturer & Advisor

Cabinet Members


Mr. Sheharyar kiani

General Secretary

Mr. Farhan Saleem

Office secretary

Ms. Humna Shaukat

Fiance secretary

Mr. Anus Bashir

Promotion director

Ms. Areeba Bibi

Public relation secretary

Mr. Muhammad Ahemd Soomro

Event director

Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Malik

Creativity and Coverage director

Ms. Laiba Adil

Arts and Drama Society

Short one liner statement of Art and Drama Society

Contact Information

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