BS Computer Engineering

Program Description

The BS Computer Engineering builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired by the students at HSSC or the equivalent level. The program provides an emphasis to computers, computer-controlled systems, and soft skills like independent thinking and analysis. The core courses related to computing and computer engineering provide a solid foundation. The curriculum also provides a decent exposure to mathematics and other supporting courses. Furthermore, a range of courses from computer engineering and related engineering disciplines are included in the list of technical electives.

Associated Careers:

Computer engineering students learn to develop and to implement computer applications used every day. From microprocessors to memory systems, software, and personal computers have revolutionized the way we live and work. Their knowledge can influence everyday technology: handheld devices, networks, medical equipment, smartphones, robotics, and more. Computer engineers use new and emerging technologies to install, service, and maintain software and hardware, as well as solve problems as part of a larger project. The scope and demand of highly skilled computer engineers are very high globally, especially in Pakistan. This demand is expected to further increase in coming years due to the revolution brought about by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology.

Key Areas

  1. Firmware development
  2. Digital systems design
  3. Embedded systems design
  4. Chip design
  5. Web development
  6. Database administration
  7. Health informatics
  8. Mobile application development

Salient Features of the program:

Being offered with National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)

Degree recognized by Higher Education Commission

Outcome-based education under guidelines of ABET and Seoul Accord

Austrian trained, foreign-qualified PhD faculty

Hands-on practical training through laboratory work/projects

Opportunity to work on research projects funded by national & international organizations.

Industrial collaboration

  • Industry oriented curriculum
  • Industrial expert lectures, industrial visits, and joint projects
  • One-year mandatory industrial training
  • Opportunity to work with Industry Practitioners / Engineers

Program Educational Objectives

The BS Computer Engineering program aims to ensure that its graduates possess required skills to become a well-rounded professional. By utilizing the fundamental knowledge, engineering competencies, and interpersonal and management skills acquired during the degree program, three to five years after graduation, the graduates of this program will:

1. Pursue successful careers in computer engineering or related disciplines; or become entrepreneurs to apply their engineering knowledge and skills.

2. Continue professional development or pursue higher education in their chosen field and remain prepared to respond to the dynamics of the environment and society.

3. Utilize management skills to lead and work as an individual or as member of a team, while exhibiting strong ethical conduct.

Program Learning Outcomes

The following ten Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) have been adopted for the BS Computer Engineering program.
  1. Academic Education: Completion of an accredited program of study designed to prepare graduates as computing professionals.
  2. Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements.
  3. Problem Analysis: Identify and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.
  4. Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, or adapt and then apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. Individual and Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader of a team in multidisciplinary settings.
  7. Communication: Communicate effectively with the computing community about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.
  8. Computing Professionalism and Society: Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice.
  9. Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice.
  10. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.

Mapping of PLOs with PEOs

Sr. No






Academic Education





Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems




Problem Analysis




Design/Development of Solutions




Modern Tool Usage





Individual and Teamwork










Computing Professionalism and Society









Lifelong Learning



Course Curriculum

Semester 1

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
1COMP-105Fundamentals of ICTGER101
2COMP-105LFundamentals of ICT Lab GER011
3SS-111Islamic Studies GER202
4PHY-101Applied Physics GER303
5PHY-101LApplied Physics Lab GER011
6SS-103English Language and Communication Skills GER303
7COMP-111Programming FundamentalsCore303
8COMP-111LProgramming Fundamentals LabCore011
9COMP-121Discrete StructuresGER303
   Total Cr Hrs 15318


Semester 2

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
10MTH-101Calculus and Analytical GeometryGER303
11SS-XXXIdeology and Constitution of PakistanGER202
13COMP-112Object Oriented Programming Core 303
14COMP-112LObject Oriented Programming LabCore 011
15MTH-202Linear Algebra and Differential EquationsMaths/Interdisciplinary303
16COMP-171Software Engineering Core 303
   Total Cr Hrs 17118

Semester 3

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
17COMP-342Artificial Intelligence Core 303
18COMP-342LArtificial Intelligence LabCore 011
19ECE-161Digital Logic Design Core 303
20ECE-161LDigital Logic Design LabCore 011
21DAA-XXXArts and Humanities ElectiveGER202
22COMP-201Data Structures and AlgorithmsCore 303
23COMP-201LData Structures and Algorithms LabCore 011
24SS-203Technical and Business WritingGER303
   Total Cr Hrs 14317


Semester 4

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
25SS-XXXSocial Sciences ElectiveGER202
26SS-331Community ServiceGER011
27ECE-261Introduction to Embedded SystemsDomain Core 303
28ECE-261LIntroduction to Embedded Systems LabDomain Core 011
29ECE-201Computer Architecture and OrganizationCore 303
30ECE-201LComputer Architecture and Organization LabCore 011
31COMP-222Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCore 303
32MTH-205Complex Variables and TransformsMaths/Interdisciplinary303
   Total Cr Hrs 14317


Semester 5

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
33MTH-231Probability and Statistics Maths 303
34ECE-111Linear Circuit Analysis Domain Core 303
35ECE-111LLinear Circuit Analysis LabDomain Core 011
36COMP-231Database Systems Core 303
37COMP-231LDatabase Systems Core 011
38COMP-262Operating Systems Core 303
39COMP-262LOperating Systems LabCore 011
40ECE-XXX/COMP-XXXDomain Elective 1**Domain Elective 2 (3)1 (0)3
   Total Cr Hrs 14 (15)4 (3)18


Semester 6

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
41ECE-212Electronic Devices and Circuits Domain Core 303
42ECE-212LElectronic Devices and Circuits Domain Core 011
43ECE-251Signals & Systems Domain Core 303
44ECE-251LSignals & Systems LabDomain Core 011
45ECE-XXX/COMP-XXXDomain Elective 2*Domain Elective314
46ECE-461Digital Systems DesignDomain Core 303
47ECE-461LDigital Systems Design LabDomain Core 011
   Total Cr Hrs 12416


Semester 7

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
48SS-XXX/MGT-XXXElective Supporting CourseSS303
49COMP-353Computer Networks Core 303
50COMP-353LComputer Networks LabCore 011
51ECE-XXX/COMP-XXXDomain Elective 3 **Domain Elective2 (3)1 (0)3
52COMP-291Information Security Core 303
53ECE-498Final Year Design Project ICore 022
   Total Cr Hrs 11 (12)4 (3)15


Semester 8

S.No.Code Course Title Domain CH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
54ECE-XXX/COMP-XXXDomain Elective 4 **Domain Elective2 (3)1 (0)3
55ECE-XXX/COMP-XXXDomain Elective 5*Domain Elective314
56COMP-461Parallel & Distributed Computing Domain Core 202
57COMP-461LParallel & Distributed Computing Lab Domain Core 011
58SS-120Occupational Health and Safety Maths/Interdisciplinary202
59ECE-499Final Year Design Project IICore 044
   Total Cr Hrs 9 (10)7 (6)16
  * Elective with 4 credit hours
** Elective with 3 total credit hours
Total CH135
 MTH-001Foundation Mathematics – I 3The students who have not studied Mathematics at intermediate level have to pass in the first two semesters
 MTH-002Foundation Mathematics – II3


List of Electives

S.No.Course CodeCourse TitleDomainCH (Theory)CH (Lab)CH (Total)
1ECE-462Internet of ThingsDomain Elective314
2ECE-342Linear Control SystemsDomain Elective314
3ECE-351Digital Signal Processing Domain Elective314
4COMP-343Digital Image Processing Domain Elective314
5ECE-414Analog Integrated Circuit DesignDomain Elective314
6ECE-415VLSI System DesignDomain Elective303
7COMP-344Artificial Neural NetworkDomain Elective213
8COMP-221Theory of Automata Domain Elective303
9COMP-272Human Computer InteractionDomain Elective303
10COMP-341Machine LearningDomain Elective213
11SS-321Engineering EconomicsSocial Sciences Elective202
12SS-422Sociology for EngineersSocial Sciences Elective202
13SS-220Organizational BehaviourElective Supporting Course303
14MGT-345Engineering Project ManagementElective Supporting Course303
15New CourseProfessional EthicsArts and Humanities Elective202
16DAA-151History of Art & Design-IArts and Humanities Elective202
17DAA-121Introduction to Digital ToolsArts and Humanities Elective022
18DAA-102Object in 3DArts and Humanities Elective022
19DAA-132Design ThinkingArts and Humanities Elective202