IT & Computer Science Labs

Lab Facilities

The department provides a variety of facilities to students, faculty, and researchers to work in an innovation-friendly environment.

Our labs stand out in terms of the latest in hardware and software technology, thus engendering an environment conducive to the promotion of teamwork, interactive learning, and professional education of very high standards. Our instructional and experiment facilities induce students to undertake projects in lucrative industry-oriented technologies like Software Engineering, Big Data, Cloud, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Ware Housing and Mining, Networking, and application-oriented software.

Besides state-of-the-art smart classrooms, is equipped with the latest high-performance computers. More importantly, the department the department’s fiber-optic network communications offering high-speed Internet connectivity around the clock.

There are several computing labs in the Department that are available for student use. Some of these well-equipped and specialized laboratories are:

Dennis Ritchie Lab

This Lab is named after Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie (September 9, 1941 – c. October 12, 2011), an American computer scientist. He is credited with the creation of the C programming language while developing UNIX operating system and B programming with his longtime colleague Ken Thompson.

Denis Ritchie Lab is known for its good range of computer programming facilities. Linked with highspeed Internet (Ethernet and Wi-Fi Both), this lab comprises Corei5/i7 All-in-One networked Desktop Computers running Windows as well as Linux operating systems. The additional lab features include state-of-the-art smart boards and Programming Display Units (PDUs) for 360 views of the instructor’s screen. With its ergonomically set layout, it is
furnished with modern custom-built furniture. It is ideally suited to conduct students’ workshops and software competitions. Its equipment inventory comprises:

  • Desktop/All-in-one Computers
  • Liebert UPS 650VA/ 390W PSA SOHO AVR Universal Sockets with Soft
  • Smart Boards
  • Programming Display Units (PDUs)

Augusta Ada Lab

This lab commemorates an English mathematician and writer Augusta Ada Lovelace, the first-ever Software Developer (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852). She is chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She has been celebrated as the world’s first computer programmer, being the maiden developer of the world’s first software for an early computing machine.

The Augusta Ada Lab specifically caters to a host of Software Engineering activities and provides facilities for courses such as Software Engineering, Language, and Compilation Techniques. It aids students a great deal through high-speed Internet (both Ethernet and Wi-Fi) and computing nodes. Its equipment inventory consists of VIRTUAL DESKTOP INTERFACE (VDI): thin-client machines, networked machines running Windows as well as Linux operating systems. In addition, it is fitted with state-of-the-art smart boards and Programming Linux operating systems. In addition, it is fitted with state-of-the-art smart boards and Programming Display Units (PDUs) for 360 views of the instructor’s screen. Laid out ergonomically, it is furnished with modern furniture and fixtures. The Augusta Ada Lab is also available for students’ workshops and software competitions. Its equipment inventory chiefly comprises:

  • Smart Boards
  • Programming Display Units (PDUs)

Alan Turing Lab

This lab is named as such in recognition of revolutionary contributions made by Alan Mathison Turing, a British mathematician, and logician (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954), in the fields of mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, and mathematical biology, as well as the subsequent new areas like computer science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and artificial life.

Alan Turing Lab is a state-of-the-art- facility for students studying databases, Artificial Intelligence, and Operating Systems. Equipped with high-speed Internet (Ethernet and Wi-Fi Both) and computing nodes, it comprises VIRTUAL DESKTOP INTERFACE (VDI): thin-client machines, networked machines running Windows as well as Linux operating systems. The lab is fitted with Smart Boards and Programming Display Units (PDUs) for 360 views of the instructor’s screen. It is ergonomically laid out with appropriate modern furniture. The lab has the provisions to conduct students’ workshops and software competitions. Its main equipment inventory comprises:

  • Smart Boards
  • Programming Display Units (PDUs)

Arfa Karim Lab

Arfa Abdul Karim Randhawa (2 February 1995 – 14 January 2012), a Pakistani computer prodigy surprised the world by becoming the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in 2004. Her Achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. This lab commemorates her world fame in the realm of computational sciences. Arfa Karim Lab is a state-of-the-art lab where students can work with ease, peace, and full concentration. Ergonomically designed, the lab prides itself on its all-in-one PCs (Corei5/i7) and comfortable focused seating area for laptop users. Students have ready access to high-speed Internet (Ethernet and Wi-Fi Both) and computing nodes. The lab is equipped with:

  • Desktop/ All-in-One Computers
  • Liebert UPS 650VA/ 390W PSA SOHO AVR Universal Sockets with Soft
  • Tabletop Sliding Smart Switches with HDMI, USB, POWER Sockets, and Wireless charger


The SKYNET Lab has ample state-of-the-art networking equipment to prepare students to cope with the current and future demands of the IT industry besides affording them adequate hands-on networking experience with real equipment. Housed in a 30 x 42 square feet area, the lab is managed by the Department of IT & CS.

Al-Khwarizmi Lab

This lab is named after Muḥammad ibn Mūsā alKhwārizmī (780-850), Arabized as al-Khwarizmi, (formerly Latinized as Algorithmi). Al-Khwarizmi was a Persian polymath who is credited with producing vastly influential works in mathematics, astronomy, and geography. He also developed the concept of the algorithm in mathematics which brought him fame as the grandfather of computer science. The lab is a tribute to his pioneering contributions in the
the domain of computational sciences.
Al-Khwarizmi Lab is mainly dedicated to the Final Year Projects and research activities. It also caters to general-purpose computer usage. It is a great resource for students needing high-speed Internet
(Ethernet and Wi-Fi both) and computing nodes. It features VDI machines for computational processes, state-of-the-art Smart Boards, and Programming Display Units (PDUs) for 360 views of the instructor’s screen. It is furnished with high-quality furniture in an ergonomically built setting. The Lab is also a venue for students’ workshops and software competitions. Its equipment inventory comprises:

  • Smart Boards
  • Programming Display Units (PDUs)
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