The Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering (C&EE) at PAF-IAST is offering Master of Science (MS) program in the “Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering” w.e.f. Fall 2021. This master program blends the knowledge of three fields into a single curriculum to train graduates to cope challenges in modern day process industry. The department is already offering a bachelor’s degree program in Chemical Engineering. All our programs are approved by statutory bodies (HEC and PEC).
Process engineers help in transforming raw materials into valuable products. They design, implement, control, and optimize the industrial processes and machinery in manufacturing industry. An energy engineer designs, develops, or evaluates energy-related projects or programs to reduce energy costs or improve energy efficiency while environmental engineer helps in saving environment from hazardous wastes produced by process industries. Design of an efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly process requires the knowledge of all these fields. Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering master’s program brings these interdependent fields under one discipline. Graduates of this program will not only optimize processes to increase the production capacity but also help in managing consumption of energy and treating industrial wastes. Being an interdisciplinary program, students are taught courses which enable them to identify potential for energy and cost savings early on and adapt processes accordingly. They also learn about environmental regulations and how to minimize, treat and manage the wastes produced by industrial processes.
The Institute has signed MoUs with nearby Hattar Industrial State which has several process industries ranging from small scale production units to heavy manufacturing industry. Students and faculty members will be constantly engaged with these industries to improve the production performance and minimize the waste discharge. Students will be trained on environmental and energy audits and they will give recommendations to industries of Hattar Industrial State, how to cut their energy costs and save the environment from pollution without compromising on production. MoUs are not limited to Hattar Industrial State only but will be expanded to country-wide industries gradually.
Besides studying the core subjects, students also receive the opportunity to improve on their management, leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial skills. Science-based and industrial projects provide them with further skills and knowledge. Graduates will thus be enabled to solve industrial problems and to safeguard a livable future.
Being interdisciplinary program, graduates in the fields of Chemical, Environmental, Metallurgy, Materials, Power, Civil, Petroleum & Gas, Mechanical, Polymer, Industrial Engineering, Energy Engineering, 16 years degree in Chemistry and/or any other relevant program are eligible to apply.
The students graduating from this discipline will find employment opportunities in water and power development sectors, oil and gas development corporations, environmental protection agencies and other process industries. Economic zones are being developed around the country under the CPEC project. These economic zones will have several process industries that will require expertise in designing cost-effective and green processes. Skilled graduate produced by the program will take full advantage of the opportunity. They will not only secure a bright career but also contribute to the economy of Pakistan. Apart from the job placements in conventional chemical and process industries, graduates will also find opportunities in research and development in fields of energy, power production and environmental sciences and engineering.
Course Code | Course title | Credit Hours |
CHE-821 | Process Technology | 3 |
CHE-822 | Heat and Mass Transfer | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 01 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CHE-825 | Advanced Reaction Engineering | 3 |
CHE-824 | Process Simulation and Integration | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 02 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SS-821 | Research Methodology* | 2 |
XXX-### | Elective 03 | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 04 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CHE-899 | Master Thesis | 6 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hour |
CHE-823 | Process and Plantwide Control | 3 |
CH-813 | Polymer and Advanced Industrial Chemistry | 3 |
CHE-862 | Chemical Product Design and Industrial Scale-up | 3 |
CHE-861 | Plant Automation | 3 |
CHE-843 | Waste Engineering and Noise Control | 3 |
CHE-841 | Life cycle Assessment | 3 |
CHE-844 | Advanced Water Treatment | 3 |
CHE-845 | Flow and Transport in Environmental Engineering | 3 |
CHE-846 | Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies | 3 |
CHE-842 | Heating and Cooling Technologies | 3 |