The Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering (C&EE) at PAF-IAST offers Master of Science (MS) program in the “Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Engineering” in collaboration with department of Biomedical Sciences (PAF-IAST). Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Engineering is an important area for pharmaceutical drugs manufacturing industries and several international universities are offering this program. PAF-IAST is the first Institute in Pakistan to offer this professional postgraduate program.
In pharmaceutical manufacturing industries, a pharmacist does research, develops and tests new medicines and treatments, ensuring their safety and quality. While engineers design and operate pharmaceutical manufacturing processes to achieve the production goal. However, designing an efficient and economical process requires the knowledge of process engineering along with pharmacokinetics, drug delivery and validation. Our MS program combines these subjects in a single curriculum. Thus, students not only learn about the nature of drugs but also acquire the engineering knowledge to design/select the most suitable and efficient process for particular drug production. Being an interdisciplinary degree program, students will be able to solve challenging problems in pharmaceutical manufacturing, utilize emerging pharmaceutical technologies effectively to reach business goals of industries and lead innovation across relevant organizations. The MS program is aimed to prepare students for professional advancement in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. Experienced faculty members of the department will train students to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to pharmaceutical processes. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams to design systems or processes and solve problems faced by pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
The Institute has signed MoUs with nearby Hattar Industrial State which has several pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. Students and faculty members will be regularly engaged with these industries. Students will have the opportunity to learn and gain hands-on experience and to help the industry in improving the production performance and minimize the cost. MoUs are not limited to Hattar Industrial State only and will be expanded to country-wide industries gradually.
Being interdisciplinary program, graduates in the fields of Chemical Engineering, D-Pharmacy, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering/Sciences, Bioinformatics, Materials Engineering, 16-year degree in Chemistry and/or any other relevant program will be eligible to apply.
Graduates of this program will find career opportunities in pharma, biotech, biopharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutritionals and medical devices manufacturing in Pakistan and around the world as well.
Course Code | Course title | Credit Hours |
PHM-844 | Pharmaceutical Engineering | 3 |
CHE-811 | Unit Operations | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 01 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
PHM-841 | Pharmaceutical Characterizations | 3 |
PHM-843 | Validation and Regulatory Issues in the Pharmaceutical Industry | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 02 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
| Research Methodology* | 2 |
XXX-### | Elective 03 | 3 |
XXX-### | Elective 04 | 3 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
PHM-899 | Thesis | 6 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
PHM-846 | Pharmaceutical Facility Design | 3 |
CHE-813 | Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology | 3 |
PHM-842 | Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery | 3 |
CHE-825 | Advanced Reaction Engineering | 3 |
CHE-824 | Process Simulation and Integration | 3 |
CHE-826 | Advanced Transport Phenomena | 3 |
CHE-814 | Advanced Separation Processes | 3 |
CHE-812 | Micromechanics of Particulate Technology | 3 |
CHE-821 | Process Technology | 3 |
BME-801 | Biomedical Engineering | 3 |
PHM-845 | Biopharmaceutical Engineering | 3 |
MATH-801 | Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
CHE-815 | Advanced Thermodynamics | 3 |
CH-811 | Industrial Biochemistry | 3 |
CH-812 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 3 |