Babar Nazir, PhD

Associate Professor & Chairman


Babar Nazir is serving as Associate Professor and Chairman at Department of IT and Computer Science, Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. He obtained his Ph. D in Computer Science from the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He received his M.S in Computer Science from the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan. He received the COMSATS University Islamabad merit scholarship award and Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia merit scholarship award for pursuing his MS and Ph.D studies respectively.  He has more than 17 years of teaching and research experience at university level in reputed National and International organizations with more than 9 years of post-PhD experienceHe has delivered keynote talks and presentations at International conferences and universities. He has published research articles in reputed journals/conferences, and edited/co-authored multiple book chapters. Moreover, he has completed renowned projects funded by Directorate of Science and Technology KPK, Higher Education Commission Pakistan, and National ICT R & D Fund Pakistan. Currently, he is on Editorial board/technical review panel of many renowned journals which includes: IEEE Access, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Journal of Computing, Springer Journal of Cluster Computing, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, and Elsevier Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. Moreover, he is a member of steering Committee Member/ PC Chair/ Track Chair/ Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of different international conferences. He is approved PhD supervisor for Higher Education Commission Pakistan and supervised numerous MS/PhD research thesis. He also serves as a domain expert for multiple research funding bodies, namely: Best IT Innovation Award, Directorate of Science and Technology KPK Pakistan and HEC Pakistan. Moreover, he has served as a publication co-chair in the organizing committee of national-level IEEE conference namely: Frontiers of Information Technology, 2014. He has presented at multiple scientific venues internationally. His work has been presented and received recognition in many national events which includes: VisionICT best project award, IEEE International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, DoST project exhibition, and Technomoot research poster. For his extensive research contribution, he has consistently been awarded CUI research productivity award for ten continuous years. In 2014, he was nominated for the HEC best teacher award by CUI. He has received CUI best researcher award in 2018Some of his publications have appeared among the most downloaded articles in the Elsevier International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, and Elsevier International Journal of Network and Computer Applications. His e-mail address is 


  • PhD Organization Name: Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia , 2011



  • Awarded DoST KPK project as a PI, Funds Approved: 1.8M.
  • Awarded HEC project as a PI, Fund Approved: 0.5M.
  • Awarded National ICT R and D project, Fund Approved: 0.8M.
  • Awarded Ministry of Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education Project, Fund Approved: 0.825M.
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