The intelligent field robotics lab aims to expand the knowledge in the areas of robotics design, architecture, and modelling, robotics vision, and perception, unmanned aerial vehicle (VAU), intelligent autonomous robots, swarm robotics, human-robot interaction, robots imitation learning, self-supervised learning, and medical assistive robotics. The main objective of this lab is to provide a conducive applied research environment for the development of advanced robotic systems.
Field robots are an essential and integral part of the modern industrial revolution. These robots handle the tasks autonomously, intelligently, and precisely. The use of robots in smart agriculture for pesticide spraying, irrigation, disaster management, and monitoring, smart city for safety, and such is the research of the day.
The intelligent field robotics laboratory covers a wide range of technology to create future robotics, from human-friendly robots used in super-aging society and self-controlled smart mechanical systems to intelligent spaces and smart society as extended robotics concepts. Research projects will include various topics such as the coordinated control systems of multiple robots, self-controlled robots, intelligent welfare machines, sensors based on micro-electromechanical systems technology, sensor networks, and nano-robots.