Student Societies & Clubs


Life at PAF-IAST is not all about academics and study, alone. We are well-aware of the need of extracurricular activities for the young students as a vital respite from their demanding academic responsibilities. It is essential to re-invigorate their energies and for the all-inclusive development of the students. It is a proven fact that teamwork and collaboration hold core importance in the 21st century skill set; and that is the underlying principle of student activities and engagement at PAF-IAST. Collaboration and community engagement is central to the establishment and operations of student societies at PAF-IAST. Student societies play a vital role in grooming the dormant potential of individuals, providing them the right forum and environment to express, compete, excel, and polish their abilities and transform into active and confident members of the society.

Aims & Objectives

  • Polish hidden qualities of the students.
  • To give them a sense of responsibility and ownership.
  • To prepare the students to face the challenges of practical life.
  • To promote teamwork among the students.
  • Enhance the creative potentials of the youth.
  • To inculcate in students the spirit of healthy competition.
  • To inculcate leadership qualities in students.
  • Induce in individuals the sense of love, sacrifice and service to the entire Creation to make them good human beings.
  • Prepare students for future challenges in the global context.

The Office of Provost provides individual care to all students of PAFIAST and is responsible for all kinds of student affairs. Starting from admissions to graduation, the Office of Provost strives to make students’ stay on campus comfortable with a steep learning curve and help them have moments to be cherished forever. PAF-IAST believes that student societies and clubs play a vital role in the personality development of students. To help promote teamwork and sense of responsibility, and to inculcate leadership in students through their participation in the co-curricular activities, the following societies and clubs were launched in 2021.

In 2021, the following student societies and clubs were launched:

Here this society provides a platform where Art is fueled by imagination, which allows us to grow and stretch beyond our boundaries

The Cyber-Sec Society envisions a proactive community where students are empowered to protect and enhance digital safety as conveyed by our slogan: “سمجھو گئے تو بچو گے”.

The society is dedicated to enhancing occupational health and safety (OHS) awareness and practices at PAF-IAST and in the broader community. 

The Welfare Society envisions a compassionate institute community where students actively contribute to social responsibility and uplift the less fortunate. 

Our Mission is to uphold activities and events that will impart ingenuity in young talent and motivate them to develop into competent IT professionals.

Promote the literary and debating culture through professional’s lectures, Student Expos, debating competitions and knowledge workshops/Events etc.

Pakistan institute of chemical Engineering—Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology- Chapter

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

The objective of this society is to raise awareness regarding entrepreneurship on the campus, create wealth & value by fostering and nurturing entrepreneurship and equip the young and brilliant minds.

Enjoy the spirit of adventure. To train the students to Work as a team. To spread the positive image of Pakistan and PAFIAST, inside and outside the country.

Provide opportunities for our members to explore the wider world of engineering, as well as connecting them with students of other universities. Guiding Society Members of relevant industry developments and career opportunities.

The society works with university administration in organizing various events, including inside events and visits of the school and college students and the orientation ceremony for new students.

The group aims to foster innovation, collaboration, and learning by offering hands-on experiences, workshops, and events focused on cutting-edge technologies.

Total Societies
Registered Members
Team Lead